Cheryl Sheriff - 0407 153 412

Sarah, Alex and baby Henry March 2018

Cheryl is a wonderful addition to any birth team.

After some complications with my first pregnancy and delivery, a friend recommended Cheryl to provide extra support with the arrival of our second child. Right from the outset, Cheryl was calm, professional and helpful. We instantly knew she was a truly special person - she brings a unique energy to what can be a very challenging environment for mother, father and child.

Cheryl knows what a growing family needs before a new baby is born and has a unique perspective on the end of pregnancy. She was with us every step of the way and empowered us to achieve everything we set out to do. We could not have achieved the outcomes we did without her assistance.

For us, the support which Cheryl provided in the "fourth trimester" was just as valuable as her presence at the birth. Cheryl's care continues into the first few tender weeks when adjusting to a new family unit and we loved her visits, regular ‘touch base’ texts and help when it was needed. Her generosity well exceeded our expectations.

After experiencing a birth without Cheryl and one with her support, I cannot measure the value of her kindness and professionalism.

Sarah R


“ Cheryl was a great support and always full of useful information and supplied us with reading materials, CD’s, DVD’s and books so we were fully informed of the stages of labour, comforting positions, pain relief choices if we needed them, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques etc etc.

By the time my baby was due I felt very confident that I could labour successfully and handle anything that was thrown our way. ”


Stork Talk

Delivering Strategies for your ideal birth.

Give yourself the best chance of a positive birth in a hospital setting. A new book by one of Australias leading doulas, Cheryl Sheriff.


Sharing wisdom from her 30 years experience as a midwife and doula, and her presence at over 1000 hospital births.


After reading this book you will have more direction, and feel confident, excited and less daunted by the experiences to come.


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